Hi Everyone!    I know we have not provided updates recently but finding tech-savvy volunteers has been tough lately and the rest of us are struggling to learn to use technology!  

So I hope I can answer the questions we have been asked lately....

1. What is going on with the building?

Good question - The easy answer is "we are working on it". The more complicated version is that COVID brought construction to a screeching halt for a long time - between material shortages and delays, and the shortage of available help, we spent more time waiting that actually progressing.  Because of that work delay and all of the recent changes in the construction business, we are working on updating contracts and quotes to move forward.  We are fortunate to have a reliable and patience lender (Union Saving Bank) working with us.  We anticipate progress and moving forward soon.

2. Are you still serving meals?

We are still here, at the Richmond Center- providing guests a meal everyday!  We have not closed for a single day since we opened in 1984 despite holidays storms, hurricanes, blizzards or COVID! 

3. Do you need volunteers?

We are still open for service from 4:30-5:30 7 days/week and are again welcoming new volunteers now that COVID restrictions have eased.  Our volunteers come in from 3:00-5:30.   Please contact us for more information.

Thank you for your continued support of Loaves & Fishes!